"Dopamin" LP od Böhse Onkelz

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Comes on black Vinyl.

Even after 20 years of band history, the Böhsen Onkelz were still able to surprise their fans. In 2002, they did so with their unusual 16th studio album, Dopamin, which, unlike its predecessors, has a more friendly and positive overall tone. Musically, the Böhsen Onkelz indulged in their spirit of experimentation on Dopamin - whether it be the light country touch in the intro of 'Macht Für Den Der Sie Nicht Will', Ska/Reggae influences in 'Nr. 1' and 'Mutier Mit Mir', or the ballad-like 'Stand Der Dinge'. Of course, Dopamin also includes typical Onkelz songs such as 'Keine Amnestie Für MTV' or 'Ich Weiß Wo Du Wohnst'.

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Všeobecné informace

Zboží č. 491777
Hudební žánr Nemecký Rock
Média - formát 1-3 2-LP
Téma produktů Kapely
Kapela Böhse Onkelz
Typ výrobku LP
Datum vydání 2/19/21
Pohlaví Unisex