"Spooky action at a distance" LP od Pattern-Seeking Animals

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Spooky action at a distance' by Pattern-Seeking Animals is released as a black double LP in a gatefold.

Pattern-Seeking Animals is a groundbreaking prog rock band that constantly pushes the boundaries of musical exploration. The band, consisting of John Boegehold, Ted Leonard, Dave Meros, and Jimmy Keegan, continues to captivate their audience with complex compositions and heartfelt stories.

On their 4th album, Pattern-Seeking Animals are more confident than ever and delve into new sonic worlds and themes, combining them with the DNA of their previous work to create their most memorable and strongest album to date. Boegehold explains, 'Since this is our fourth release in less than five years, it was my intention to take a different direction and not tread on familiar territory. We not only used different sounds, textures, and musical styles, but also approached the vocals in a completely different way, especially the backing vocals.'

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Všeobecné informace

Zboží č. 561921
Hudební žánr Progressive Rock
Média - formát 1-3 2-LP
Téma produktů Kapely
Kapela Pattern-Seeking Animals
Typ výrobku LP
Datum vydání 10/27/23
Pohlaví Unisex