"Whispers Of Lore" LP od Receiver

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Appearing on limited black Vinyl

Epic metal collides with folk and NWOBHM in an album full of fantasy and allegory! The debut album of Cypriot Heavy Metal band Receiver is an adventure dominated by melodies! Receiver has taken it upon themselves to deliver pure, heavy, epic metal with a touch of folk influences. The band honors legends such as Iron Maiden, Warlord, Manilla Road, Omen, Black Sabbath, Dio, Heaven's Gate, Riot, Savatage, and Saracen, as well as the traditional music of Cyprus and folk from around the world like The Dubliners and Sandy Denny. This unique blend has reached its peak in Receiver's long-awaited debut album 'Whispers of Lore'. Lyrically, the band tackles the evils of humanity: social injustice, imperialism, and the shameful degradation of the human condition that is war. Through fantasy and allegory, Receiver expresses these concerns and embarks on a journey full of battles and legends.

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Všeobecné informace

Zboží č. 564739
Hudební žánr Classic Metal
Média - formát 1-3 LP
Téma produktů Kapely
Kapela Receiver
Typ výrobku LP
Datum vydání 12/15/23
Pohlaví Unisex